Needless to say that is one of the best events which almost every Belgian remembers and awaits for the summer as they look forward to it !!It is not at all an easy task to get almost all the mouth watery dishes to one place and serve them freshly at perfection.In addition to offering the amazing Indian delicacies,they provide full pledged entertainment like Indian classical Dance,Bollywood Dance,Indian Yoga,Kids performances,Folk dances by the professionals.The event fills our hearts with joy and tummies with scrumptious meals.I can clearly see a festive environment all over that weekend of this event in a greenery filled tremendous park.This kind of events bring us an opportunity to meet all at one place,to see all the smiling happy faces and ultimately fills us with a positivity.

“Subramania” – A melodious feast for the music lovers,InCo puts it’s efforts to present this awesome event in Belgium, it’s a token of respect they exhibit for the Indian classical music.

Next significant and mega event they helped with is “Narendra Modi in Brussels” – This part of the InCo’s journey shows how much expertise they already achieved in handling such massive events.It was a cake walk for them and they proved they are the apt team to handle this!!!

They have crossed another mile stone with a new and successful venture for KIDS through SPRING ACTIVITIES..

This blog is my truly small tribute to InCo for reaching new places!!